Forestry Slavin – wells, meadows, monuments

The whole set of buildings is called Forestry Slavin. Wells full of bubbling spring water, memorial plaques in picturesque places and larger or smaller monuments are dedicated to outstanding Czech and foreign foresters and artists, outstanding teachers of forestry sciences, but also to wildlife, trees and forests themselves.

You can find a map with drawn objects not only of the Forest Slavin on the page Pro veřejnost.

Famous personalities of our cultural and forestry heritage are commemorated not only by their names, but also by their sayings and quotations from their works. Thanks to this, many lessons and aesthetic experiences are conveyed to the attentive visitor.
Because of their high aesthetic value, the objects are also used for various cultural events such as the Spring Festival, outdoor recitals and memorial meetings.

The Forestry Slavin is a great and binding legacy of the founders of higher forestry education in Brno. These professors are Rudolf Haša, Josef Konšel and especially Josef Opletal. The highlight of the Forestry Slavin is the six-metre-high, proudly towering monument Trees in the Řícmanice Arboretum. In this beautiful setting, the memorial features sayings and folk wisdom about the forest from nearly twenty nations of the world, all in the original language and in Czech translation.