Nature protection

Nature protection has a long tradition in the territory of UFE Křtiny, which goes far back before targeted state nature protection as we know it today. Above all, it is generations of foresters who have shaped the local forests for centuries through their daily work. We can also highlight prof. Alois Zlatník – a botanist and phytocenologist from the Faculty of Forestry at the Brno University of Agriculture, who in the pre-war and post-war period contributed to the establishment of an extensive network of no-interference forest reserves for study and research purposes. Thanks to this, today the UFE represents, apart from the national parks, the forest estate with the highest proportion of protected areas in the Czech Republic.

Of the current area of the forests of UFE Křtiny 10228 ha is

  • in the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area: 2945 ha, i.e. 29%
  • in NATURA 2000 4512 ha, i.e. 44 %
  • in national nature reserves 349 ha, i.e. 3.5%
  • in nature reserves 498 ha, i.e. 5 %
  • in national natural monuments 3 ha
  • in natural monuments 11 ha

The above categories of specially protected areas often overlap and the areas cannot be added together.

Photo books (in Czech only)

Plans of care (in Czech only)