Norway Grants

Download the complete Adaptation Strategy here (in Czech only).

Public activities:

Project name: “Development of Adaptation Strategy for Mendel University Forests”

Supported by the Programme “Environment, Ecosystems and Climate Changesupported from the Norway Grants 2014-2021 and Call nr. SGS-3 OSLO.

Goal: The main goal is to create an Adaptation Strategy on the forest land (10.228 ha in total) of Mendel University in Brno with regard to climate change. The strategy will be based on two background studies in the field of forestry and water management. In the forestry area, proposals for adaptive forestry measures will be developed in the form of framework management guidelines reflecting also the special-purpose mission of the university property. In the water management area, an inventory of the current state of water retention facilities will be carried out and new measures will be proposed.


  • grant duration: 2. 11. 2020 – 30. 9. 2021
  • selecting the contract to a processor in accordance with the Guidelines for Public Procurement under the Norway Grants 2014-2021 and signing the contract – ASITIS s.r.o.
  • ongoing work on the preparation of background studies

Links to Norway grants: